How to handle difficult people

20 Mar by admin

How to handle difficult people

How many times have you faced a difficult person at work or in a supermarket, game, any event you might have attended? It would be a lot easier if you had a magic wand that could simply wipe all the communication problems you might face with different people. Most of the times, however, you are left with a handful of options for dealing with difficult people. Find the best practices for handling poisonous people and deal with difficult situations at all times.

Try to remain calm

If you lose your temper and go berserk at the person that you are having a conflict with, you won’t make any difference in your relationship with such people. If you present yourself as calm, you will strike the opposing party as a reasonable, centered and a person in control and they will start giving you more attention, meaning that you’ll have an opportunity to make peace with them.

Get a different perspective

Try getting an opinion from your friends or colleagues on the matter. It is very likely that some of them have had some experience with difficult people and can share the most successful method of handling them with you. Your friends can also see things from a different angle and offer a different solution to the problem.

Understand the intentions of the opposing party

Try to understand what makes the person that is behaving difficult like that. Does he/she have a problem just with you, or with everyone? Try helping them overcome the barrier if they have them and learn how to communicate in the most peaceful manner possible.

Treat them with respect

Do not treat difficult people as being inferior to you. Nobody likes being mistreated. Try treating them with respect, earn their trust, learn more about them, and, eventually, they will change their attitude towards you.

Action, not reaction

If possible, avoid getting into arguments. Do not overreact, even if the person you are considering difficult tries to bicker with you. Think about all the ways you can solve the problems that exist – communication is the key, try explaining your concerns to those people, instead of starting a fight. Always be a step forward and focus on what YOU can do to make the situation better – avoid being hot-headed.


If everything else fails, try ignoring the difficult people. If you have tried every possible way of dealing with the problem, and the person did not respond to it in a positive manner, give up. Communicate with the person only when you ABSOLUTELY need to.

Face the difficult people in your environment by applying these tips and tricks. Remember, try avoiding taking drastic measures – turn to peaceful ones instead.